- If your simpler model worked well, but the more complex one fails, consider increasing the depth or width of your neural network. More layers or neurons can help capture the additional complexity introduced by the ZLB.
- Implement techniques like dropout or L2 regularization to prevent overfitting
- Experiment with different learning rates and batch sizes. Smaller learning rates and batch sizes help the model converge and learn better under new constraints.
- If your model is failing to converge, consider modifying the loss function to better reflect the objectives under the ZLB. For instance, incorporating penalties for violating the ZLB could guide the model towards feasible solutions.
- If the neural network approach continues to struggle, consider hybrid methods that combine traditional DSGE solution techniques with neural networks. For example, using methods like 'Dynare' or 'Gensys' to solve the model first and then fine-tuning with a neural network.
- First order perturbation: https://mutschler.eu/dynare/perturbation/first-order-theory/
- Analyze linearized DSGE models: https://www.mathworks.com/help/econ/analyze-linearized-dynamic-stochastic-general-equilibrium-models.html