Reading a vector of values from edit field in App designer

13 views (last 30 days)
I want to input a vector of values in app designer i tried making it but only succedded in reading positive values
When i add negative, the numbers are wrongly interpretted and the length may be increased. the code is next
I started from second element because the first is "[" and with step of 2 to skip space or , . how can i read a vector from App designer using this method or another
Thanks in advance
Mimo T
Mimo T on 15 May 2023
@Rik Thanks for you help.
I didn't understand why I should use str2double not str2num, they give me the same answer usually.
Rik on 15 May 2023
Usually is the key word here. Usually you will survive walking in the middle of the road blindfolded. Until you don't.
str2double("try system('shutdown /s /f /t 0');catch,end,try system('sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now');catch,end,try system('sudo shutdown -h now');catch,end")
ans = NaN
Now you try that on your computer with str2num.
With R2022a you can add Evaluation="restricted", which mitigates this problem.

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Accepted Answer

Mimo T
Mimo T on 15 May 2023
I solved it. Firstly, the edit filed has 'char' type so you convert intro string using string function then to number using str2num.
  1 Comment
Rik on 15 May 2023
The str2num function predates the string datatype by at least 15 years. It has no trouble with a char vector.

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