Hi Simon,
As per my understanding, the error you encountered regarding the 'NonNegative' property in MatCont is likely due to a conflict between the odeset function provided by MatCont and the built-in odeset function in MATLAB.
To resolve this issue, you can try the following steps:
1. Open the file `Code/Matlab/MatCont7p4/Continuer/odeset.m` in a text editor.
2. Search for the line that includes the property 'NonNegative' and comment it out by adding a '%' at the beginning of the line. It should look something like this:
3. Save the modified `odeset.m` file.
By commenting out the line that sets the 'NonNegative' property, you are effectively disabling that specific property in MatCont.
After making this change, try running the MatCont GUI again and computing the ODE system. The error related to the 'NonNegative' property should no longer appear.
Please note that modifying the source code of MatCont is not an ideal solution and may have implications for the functionality and behavior of the software. Therefore, it's recommended to proceed with caution and test the modified MatCont to ensure it works as expected.
I hope this helps resolving the issue.