Excel ActiveX slow and stealing focus

10 views (last 30 days)
Jan on 19 Jul 2023
Answered: Jan on 24 Jul 2023
For several years now I'm using an activex server to export data to Excel spreadsheets. I recently upgraded to Matlab R2022b and since then there are two annoying things to this:
  • Saving the workbook has become slower
  • Saving the workbook shows a progress popup which steals the focus from all other applications running
I guess I can live with the slowdown (though suggestions to improve this are welcome), but the focus stealing makes it impossible to let my program run in the background. Can I somehow disable or work around the focus stealing behaviour?
I'm using the activex server somewhat like this:
hExcel = actxserver('excel.application');
for file = 1:many
hWorkbook = hExcel.Workbooks.Add();
% export data and formatting to worksheet
hWorkbook.SaveAs("TheFileName"); % This is where the popup happens
Just now noticed a question mark on the popup, which redirects me to this Microsoft support page. The title of the popup I see is "saving", so I looked at the "Opening or daving files" section. Although there are no external references as far as I know, just to be sure I added:
hWorkbook = hExcel.Workbooks.Add();
hWorkbook.UpdateRemoteReferences = false;
hWorkbook.UpdateLinks = 2; % xlUpdateLinksNever == 2 Embedded OLE links are never updated for the specified workbook
But that does not help.

Answers (2)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 19 Jul 2023
What is the visibility property? Try making it invisible right after you get it.
hExcel.Visible = false;
or something like that.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 21 Jul 2023
What do you see if you just start Excel by itself, without starting MATLAB? Does it ask you to login?
Can you ask your IT people if they can get a standalone version of Office that doesn't require you to login? With our IT, they could.
Jan on 24 Jul 2023
There's no login prompt, it just starts.
I think I already have a standalone version, but I'll double check with IT.

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Jan on 24 Jul 2023
Apparently this is caused by saving to a network drive. I worked around it by first saving the Excel worksheet to a local temporary file, then copying the file to the final destination.
Now the popup is no longer shown, and as a bonus it is also faster. Win-win for me ;)




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