Scatter plot with variable symbol size - it's not linear

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I'm trying to use the feature in the scatter plot where the symbol size is proportional to a variable and it seems that the scaling of the symbol size is not linear.
Here is some test code and the resulting plot:
x = 1:100;
y = ones( size(x) );
scatter( x, y, 100*x, '|' );
xlim( [0 101] );
ylim( [0 2] );
Is this the expected behaviour? I need the symbol size to vary linearly with the variable.

Accepted Answer

Jon on 4 Aug 2023
Edited: Jon on 4 Aug 2023
According to the documentation for scatter, the size in "points squared" units, try this
x = 1:100;
y = ones( size(x) );
scatter( x, y, x.^2,'|' );
xlim( [0 101] );
ylim( [0 2] );
dormant on 4 Aug 2023
That's brilliant, many thanks!
Now I see it in the documentation.
Jon on 4 Aug 2023
Your welcome. When first I read the documentation it wasn't really clear to me whether that meant I should take the square root of x, or square it. A little trial and error quickly showed squaring it was the right way to go.

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