Bar plot with lower values not fixed
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I'd like to make a plot for 9 item, each having 2 bars spaced close together, showing two related values. I want to have the bottoms of each bar not fixed at 0 or at some fixed offset. i want to show the range of values for each object in other words, max and min. no outliers or whiskers or percentiles. Kind of like as shown in the picture, but with EACH of the bottoms of the bars specifiable in Y value, not fixed..
Accepted Answer
Star Strider
on 25 Sep 2023
x = (1 : 9).'; % Assume Column Vectors
xd = repmat([-0.1 0.1], numel(x), 1) + x
xos = 0.125; % Spatial Separation ('x')
y = rand(numel(x),2) % Y-Values
VarNames = ["A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I"];
hold on
for k = 1:numel(x)
patch([xd(k,:) flip(xd(k,:))]-xos, [-1 -1 1 1]*y(k,1)/2, 'r')
patch([xd(k,:) flip(xd(k,:))]+xos, [-1 -1 1 1]*y(k,2)/2, 'b')
hold off
This sets the bars to be symmetric about the midpoiint. It should not be difficult to adjust the code to use other options, since that simply requires changing the y-argument to the patch calls.
More Answers (1)
Sulaymon Eshkabilov
on 25 Sep 2023
This exercise can be done using bar(), xticks, xticklabels, xtickangle commands:
G = randi([0, 15], 9,2);
Names = {'A(x)'; 'AB(y)'; 'ABC(y)'; 'ABCD(x1)'; 'ABBA(y1)'; 'BAC(z1)'; 'DABA(x,y)'; 'DABC1(w)'; 'ABCD13(u)'};
bar(G), grid on
ylim([0, 16])
legend('ver: One', 'ver: Two')
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