How can I do undraggable the polygon object (impoly) ? (vertex can be draggable, but the polygon cannot move)

4 views (last 30 days)
setVerticesDraggable — Control whether vertices may be dragged
Vertices can be draggable, but the whole polygon doesn't move. Unfortunately the setPositionConstraintFcn function contraints the draggable vertices as well.
Philip Caplan
Philip Caplan on 17 Apr 2015
As you mentioned, clicking and dragging a vertex simply moves that vertex but you can drag the entire polygon by hovering the mouse over the enclosed polygon, clicking and then dragging. Is this what you mean?
Laszlo Sass
Laszlo Sass on 22 Apr 2015
Ok. But I want to fix the polygon. The vertex can be draggable and freely moving. The setPositionContraintFcn limits the moving of vertex.

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