Estimate Power losses of a Simscape Model

15 views (last 30 days)
Kai on 1 Dec 2023
Answered: Kai on 3 Dec 2023
I have an inverter made of three Half-bridge (ideal, switching) Blocks and I want to estimate the overall losses and the losses vs. time.
The function ee_getPowerLossSummary(simlog); returns two values and I am not sure how to interpret them. Does the column 'Power' represent the total losses (switching and R*I^2 losses)? In other words, if I subtract the column 'SwitchingLosses' from 'Power,' is the result the R * I^2 loss of the component?
My second question is regarding the function ee_getPowerLossTimeSeries(simlog);
Lets say I want to calculate the overall losses just from the result of that function. If I integrat the losses via 'trapz' I get the overall loss energy. That divided by the simulation stop time should result in the total losses of the component and should be equal to the result of ee_getPowerLossSummary(simlog); But in my case it isn't. I'm unsure about my approach. Can you pinpoint where I might be going wrong?
My approach for Half_bridge_A results in 0.2700 W, below the result of PowerLossSummary is shown:
Many thanks in advance!
Kai on 1 Dec 2023
It seems that the average of ee_getPowerLossTimeSeries is equal to 'Power' of ee_getPowerLossSummary.
Kai on 2 Dec 2023
ee_getPowerLossSummary gives back the average over time. The 'Power' Variables shows only R*I^2 losses and 'SwitchingLosses' only switching losses.
I still have no Idea how to determine switching losses from ee_getPowerLossTimeSeries
It gives back the switching losses in Joule but if I take the average and divide it by the simulation time (Conversion from Joule to Watt) I get 13.5 µW instead of 0.05 W

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Accepted Answer

Kai on 3 Dec 2023
Here are my results:
The function ee_getPowerLossSummary return the R*I^2 losses in the column 'Power' and switching losses in the according column. The sum of both are the overall losses.
ee_getPowerLossTimeSeries has unequal time length between each datapoint (depending no Simulink). I manually calculated the difference between two points and divided the switching loss energy in Joule by that time difference. The result is a vector or dissipated power. The average of that vector is more or less equal to the reuslt of ee_getPowerLossSummary.

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