Can Genetic Algorithm in MATLAB Return a 3D Matrix as an Optimal Solution?

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I am currently working on an optimization problem where my optimization variable is a 3D matrix. I am considering using a genetic algorithm (GA) for this task and I have a few questions regarding its capabilities and implementation in MATLAB.
My optimization variable needs to be a 3D matrix due to the nature of the problem I am solving. Is it possible for MATLAB's genetic algorithm functions to handle and return a 3D matrix as the optimal solution? If so, are there any specific considerations or settings I need to be aware of?
Since the calculations and evaluations in my problem are based on this 3D matrix, my fitness function will inherently work with 3D matrices. Are there any best practices or tips for implementing a fitness function in MATLAB that operates on 3D matrices?
Below is a snippet of my current implementation where the optimization variable is a 3D matrix.
numSubTasks = sum(Task_assignment,'all');
num_vehicles = size(Task_assignment, 3);
numSubtasksPerVehicle = size(Updated_Task_assignment, 1);
% Initialize the population matrix
initialPopulation = zeros(num_vehicles, numSubtasksPerVehicle);
for v = 1:num_vehicles
for st = 1:numSubtasksPerVehicle
if st <= size(Updated_Task_assignment, 1)
assignedUAV = find(Updated_Task_assignment(st, :, v), 1);
if isempty(assignedUAV)
assignedUAV = 0;
initialPopulation(v, st) = assignedUAV;
initialPopulation(v, st) = 0;
% Define GA options
options = optimoptions('ga', ...
'PopulationType', 'doubleVector', ...
'PopulationSize', 200, ...
'MaxGenerations', 100, ...
'CrossoverFraction', 0.8, ...
'EliteCount', 2, ...
'FunctionTolerance', 1e-6, ...
'Display', 'iter');
% fitness = myFitnessFunction(alpha, SR,EU);
function score = myFitnessFunction(initialPopulation)
Offloading_time_Task = calculateOffloadingTime(x_UAV, y_UAV, z_UAV,x_positions,y_positions,x_haps,y_haps,z_haps,num_vehicles,numUAVs, Task_assignment, initialPopulation, all_subtasks,reordered_tasks,initial_data_sizes,dependency_matrix,transmission_time,P_tx,P_Haps,f_c, c, eta_LoS_Ls,numRBs,B_RB_aerial,Noise_aerial,B_RB_dl,Noise_dl,G_u_linear,G_h_linear,h_LoS,kB,Ts,min_value,max_value,Fmax,coverageRadius,a,b,eta_NLoS_Ls);
% Compute Satisfaction Variable
Satisfaction_Variable = zeros(num_vehicles, 1);
for m = 1:num_vehicles
if all(Offloading_time_Task(1, :, m) <= QoS_values(m))
Satisfaction_Variable(m) = 1;
Satisfaction_Variable(m) = 0;
objective1 = MySatisfactionRate(Satisfaction_Variable,reordered_tasks);
objective2 = Compute_Remaining_Energy(E_max,E_HAPS,E_totale);
score = w1 * objective1 + w2 * objective2;
numVariables = numSubTasks;
nonlcon = @(initialPopulation) myNonlinearConstraints(initialPopulation,E_totale,Offloading_time_Task, QoS_values, E_max_totale);
[Updated_Task_assignment, fval] = ga(@myFitnessFunction, numVariables, [], [], [], [], [], [], nonlcon,options);
I would appreciate any advice, suggestions, or examples from the community regarding the use of genetic algorithms for optimizing 3D matrices in MATLAB.
Thank you in advance for your help and insights!
Best regards,

Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 3 Dec 2023
No. If you call ga directly then the function must expect a vector and must return a vector. You can reshape() first thing you do.
If you use Problem Based Optimization it will do the reshaping for you.
Maria on 5 Dec 2023
I defined Updated_Task_assignment as an optimvar for the GA, which requires it to be in a vectorized form. However, my calculation functions, like calculateOffloadingTime, require it in its original 3D matrix format. I'm struggling with how to handle this transformation within the GA's fitness function. Is there a recommended approach to reshape this vectorized matrix back to 3D within the context of a GA optimization?
numSubtasksPerVehicle = size(Task_assignment, 1);
numLayers = size(Task_assignment, 2);
num_vehicles = size(Task_assignment, 3);
% Define optimization variable
Updated_Task_assignment = optimvar('Updated_Task_assignment', num_vehicles * numSubtasksPerVehicle, numLayers, 'Type', 'integer', 'LowerBound', 0, 'UpperBound', 1);
Task_assignment = customReshape3Dto2D(Task_assignment);
% Define GA options
options = optimoptions('ga', ...
'PopulationType', 'doubleVector', ...
'PopulationSize', 200, ...
'MaxGenerations', 100, ...
'CrossoverFraction', 0.8, ...
'EliteCount', 2, ...
'FunctionTolerance', 1e-6, ...
'Display', 'iter');
[Energy_Total_UAV,Total_HAPS_energy_consumption,E_totale] = Calculate_Total_Energy_Consumption(x_UAV, y_UAV, z_UAV,x_positions,y_positions,x_haps,y_haps,z_haps,num_vehicles,numUAVs, Task_assignment, Updated_Task_assignment, all_subtasks,reordered_tasks,initial_data_sizes,dependency_matrix,transmission_time,P_tx,P_Haps,f_c, c, eta_LoS_Ls,numRBs,B_RB_aerial,Noise_aerial,B_RB_dl,Noise_dl,G_u_linear,G_h_linear,h_LoS,kB,Ts,min_value,max_value,Fmax,coverageRadius,a,b,eta_NLoS_Ls,total_time);
function score = myFitnessFunction(Updated_Task_assignment)
% Compute Satisfaction Variable
Satisfaction_Variable = zeros(num_vehicles, 1);
[Offloading_time_subtask, Offloading_time_Task] = calculateOffloadingTime(x_UAV, y_UAV, z_UAV,x_positions,y_positions,x_haps,y_haps,z_haps,num_vehicles,numUAVs, Task_assignment, Updated_Task_assignment, all_subtasks,reordered_tasks,initial_data_sizes,dependency_matrix,transmission_time,P_tx,P_Haps,f_c, c, eta_LoS_Ls,numRBs,B_RB_aerial,Noise_aerial,B_RB_dl,Noise_dl,G_u_linear,G_h_linear,h_LoS,kB,Ts,min_value,max_value,Fmax,coverageRadius,a,b,eta_NLoS_Ls);
for m = 1:num_vehicles
if all(Offloading_time_Task(1, :, m) <= QoS_values(m))
Satisfaction_Variable(m) = 1;
Satisfaction_Variable(m) = 0;
objective1 = MySatisfactionRate(Satisfaction_Variable,reordered_tasks);
objective2 = Compute_Remaining_Energy(E_max,E_HAPS,E_totale);
score = w1 * objective1 + w2 * objective2;
numVariables = numSubTasks;
nonlcon = @(Updated_Task_assignment) myNonlinearConstraints(Updated_Task_assignment,E_totale,Offloading_time_Task, QoS_values, E_max_totale);
% Run GA
[Updated_Task_assignment, fval] = ga(@myFitnessFunction, numVariables, [], [], [], [], [], [], nonlcon,options);
Any advice or guidance on how to effectively manage these issues in MATLAB would be greatly appreciated.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 5 Dec 2023
Updated_Task_assignment = optimvar('Updated_Task_assignment', [num_vehicles, numSubtasksPerVehicle, numLayers], 'Type', 'integer', 'LowerBound', 0, 'UpperBound', 1);

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