How to Generate a single pulse using NI USB 6210 Matlab code?
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I have written a code as shown below: -
clear d;
p = 5e-3; % Period of the pulse train (in seconds)
clockFreq = 1/p; % Frequency of the pulse train (in Hz)
ton = 2.5e-3; % Pulse width for the first pulse (in seconds)
duty = ton/p;
d = daq("ni");
ch = addoutput(d,"Dev1","ctr0","PulseGeneration");
ch.Frequency = clockFreq;
ch.InitialDelay = 0;
ch.DutyCycle = duty;
d.Rate = 1/p;
This is what I am getting. However, I only want one pulse to be generated.
Can anyone help me?
Accepted Answer
on 30 Jan 2024
Hi Arkadeep,
I understand that you are trying to generate a single pulse using NI USB 6210 in MATLAB.
To achieve the generation of a single pulse with the NI USB 6210 using MATLAB, it is essential to properly configure the 'start' function parameters. Utilize either 'start(d, "Duration", span)' or 'start(d, "NumScans", span)' to initiate a finite background input acquisition based on a specified duration or number of scans.
For a comprehensive understanding of the 'start' function in MATLAB, please refer to the following documentation.
I hope this helps!
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