How to set both yticks(left and right) in decimal values not exponential or scientific??

7 views (last 30 days)
I have a problem in setting yticks in decimal form.The code works for single y-axis.But when I try to use it in both y-axis(left and right) ,it shows me an error(Assigning to 2 elements using a simple assignment statement is not supported. Consider using comma-separated list assignment).The code:
F = openfig('energy vs time.fig');
hold on;
% Get the current axes handle
ax1 = gca;
% Create a copy of the axes on the right side
ax2 = gca;
% Set the y-axis exponent to 0 for both axes
ax1.YAxis.Exponent = 0;
ax2.YAxis.Exponent = 0;
axis square;

Accepted Answer

Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi on 2 Feb 2024
Moved: Dyuman Joshi on 2 Feb 2024
Use get on the axes handle to see its structure - You will find that the YAxis is stored as 2x1 Numeric Ruler (1 for each side).
Use the appropriate index to make changes to the corresponding y-axis.
F = openfig('energy vs time.fig','visible');
hold on;
% Get the current axes handle
ax = gca;
ALim: [0 1] ALimMode: 'auto' AlphaScale: 'linear' Alphamap: [0 0.0159 0.0317 0.0476 0.0635 0.0794 0.0952 0.1111 0.1270 0.1429 0.1587 0.1746 0.1905 0.2063 0.2222 0.2381 0.2540 0.2698 0.2857 0.3016 0.3175 0.3333 … ] (1×64 double) AmbientLightColor: [1 1 1] BeingDeleted: off Box: on BoxStyle: 'back' BusyAction: 'queue' ButtonDownFcn: '' CLim: [0 1] CLimMode: 'auto' CameraPosition: [47.5000 -57350 8.1603] CameraPositionMode: 'auto' CameraTarget: [47.5000 -57350 -0.5000] CameraTargetMode: 'auto' CameraUpVector: [0 1 0] CameraUpVectorMode: 'auto' CameraViewAngle: 6.6086 CameraViewAngleMode: 'auto' Children: [1×1 Line] Clipping: on ClippingStyle: 'rectangle' Color: [1 1 1] ColorOrder: [0 0 0] ColorOrderIndex: 1 ColorScale: 'linear' Colormap: [256×3 double] ContextMenu: [0×0 GraphicsPlaceholder] CreateFcn: '' CurrentPoint: [2×3 double] DataAspectRatio: [105 3300 1] DataAspectRatioMode: 'auto' DeleteFcn: '' FontAngle: 'normal' FontName: 'Helvetica' FontSize: 14 FontSizeMode: 'manual' FontSmoothing: on FontUnits: 'points' FontWeight: 'bold' GridAlpha: 0.5000 GridAlphaMode: 'manual' GridColor: [0.1500 0.1500 0.1500] GridColorMode: 'auto' GridLineStyle: '-' GridLineWidth: 1.5000 GridLineWidthMode: 'auto' HandleVisibility: 'on' HitTest: on InnerPosition: [0.1300 0.1100 0.7750 0.8150] InteractionOptions: [1×1] Interactions: [1×1] Interruptible: on LabelFontSizeMultiplier: 1.1000 Layer: 'bottom' Layout: [0×0 matlab.ui.layout.LayoutOptions] Legend: [1×1 Legend] LineStyleCyclingMethod: 'aftercolor' LineStyleOrder: [7×2 char] LineStyleOrderIndex: 1 LineWidth: 1.5000 MinorGridAlpha: 0.5000 MinorGridAlphaMode: 'manual' MinorGridColor: [0.1000 0.1000 0.1000] MinorGridColorMode: 'auto' MinorGridLineStyle: ':' MinorGridLineWidth: 1.5000 MinorGridLineWidthMode: 'auto' NextPlot: 'add' NextSeriesIndex: 0 OuterPosition: [0 0 1 1] Parent: [1×1 Figure] PickableParts: 'visible' PlotBoxAspectRatio: [1 1 1] PlotBoxAspectRatioMode: 'manual' Position: [0.1300 0.1100 0.7750 0.8150] PositionConstraint: 'outerposition' Projection: 'orthographic' Selected: off SelectionHighlight: on SortMethod: 'childorder' Subtitle: [1×1 Text] SubtitleFontWeight: 'normal' Tag: '' TickDir: 'in' TickDirMode: 'auto' TickLabelInterpreter: 'tex' TickLength: [0.0100 0.0250] TightInset: [0 0.0603 0 0.0675] Title: [1×1 Text] TitleFontSizeMultiplier: 1.1000 TitleFontWeight: 'bold' TitleHorizontalAlignment: 'center' Toolbar: [1×1 AxesToolbar] Type: 'axes' Units: 'normalized' UserData: [] View: [0 90] Visible: on XAxis: [1×1 NumericRuler] XAxisLocation: 'bottom' XColor: [0.1500 0.1500 0.1500] XColorMode: 'auto' XDir: 'normal' XGrid: off XLabel: [1×1 Text] XLim: [-5 100] XLimMode: 'manual' XLimitMethod: 'tickaligned' XMinorGrid: off XMinorTick: on XScale: 'linear' XTick: [0 20 40 60 80 100] XTickLabel: {6×1 cell} XTickLabelMode: 'auto' XTickLabelRotation: 0 XTickLabelRotationMode: 'auto' XTickMode: 'manual' YAxis: [2×1 NumericRuler] YAxisLocation: 'left' YColor: [0 0 0] YColorMode: 'manual' YDir: 'normal' YGrid: off YLabel: [1×1 Text] YLim: [0 2700] YLimMode: 'manual' YLimitMethod: 'tickaligned' YMinorGrid: off YMinorTick: on YScale: 'linear' YTick: [0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500] YTickLabel: {6×1 cell} YTickLabelMode: 'auto' YTickLabelRotation: 0 YTickLabelRotationMode: 'auto' YTickMode: 'auto' ZAxis: [1×1 NumericRuler] ZColor: [0.1500 0.1500 0.1500] ZColorMode: 'auto' ZDir: 'normal' ZGrid: off ZLabel: [1×1 Text] ZLim: [-1 0] ZLimMode: 'manual' ZLimitMethod: 'tickaligned' ZMinorGrid: off ZMinorTick: on ZScale: 'linear' ZTick: [-1 -0.5000 0] ZTickLabel: '' ZTickLabelMode: 'auto' ZTickLabelRotation: 0 ZTickLabelRotationMode: 'auto' ZTickMode: 'auto'
%Change the exponent of the 2nd y-axis
ax.YAxis(2).Exponent = 0;

More Answers (1)

chicken vector
chicken vector on 2 Feb 2024
F = openfig('energy vs time.fig');
ax = gca;
ax.YAxis(1).Exponent = 0;
ax.YAxis(2).Exponent = 0;
axis square;


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