- Extract the string from the cell.
- Replace the comma with a period.
- Convert the string to a double.
How to convert cell aray which contains numeric to double
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hi guys, can u help me how to convert cell to double but with in cell have comma as decimal separator ?
for example when i convert {'0,037796'}, it will be 37796. Thankyou
Accepted Answer
on 9 Feb 2024
Hi Arif
I understand that you would like to convert cell aray which contains numeric to double. You can consider following the below steps:
Here's an example code:
% Cell array with a string containing a comma as decimal separator
cellArray = {'0,037796'}
% Extract the string from the cell
stringValue = cellArray{1};
% Replace the comma with a period
stringValue = strrep(stringValue, ',', '.');
% Convert the string to a double
doubleValue = str2double(stringValue)
% If you want to convert to a number without decimals (as your example suggests)
% you would remove the decimal point before converting
stringValueNoDecimal = strrep(stringValue, '.', '')
% Now convert the modified string to a double
doubleValueNoDecimal = str2double(stringValueNoDecimal)
% Display the result
Hope this helps!
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