Applying time axis limits to plots in UTC time

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Hi folks, I was wondering if someone could help with some trouble I am having with regards to the formatting of some graphs I have made.
After some time I have managed to get my graphs to output what I need, with the x-axis displaying in hh:mm:ss of the day (duration type) as I had hoped. I can still apply y-axis limits using the standard ylim function since these values are decimal. However, I am unable to use xlim for my time axis to clip my plots accordingly.
Using, for example, xlim([11:17:00 11:17:30]) returns an error stating that limits 'must be a 2-element vector of increasing durations'. When i convert these hh:mm:ss times back into seconds and try the xlim, I get the same error. Does anyone know how I might go about fixing this with time durations in this format?

Accepted Answer

Voss on 13 Mar 2024
Here's an example of setting the axes x-limits using duration values:
x = duration(1,1:30,0) % duration x
x = 1×30 duration array
Columns 1 through 18 01:01:00 01:02:00 01:03:00 01:04:00 01:05:00 01:06:00 01:07:00 01:08:00 01:09:00 01:10:00 01:11:00 01:12:00 01:13:00 01:14:00 01:15:00 01:16:00 01:17:00 01:18:00 Columns 19 through 30 01:19:00 01:20:00 01:21:00 01:22:00 01:23:00 01:24:00 01:25:00 01:26:00 01:27:00 01:28:00 01:29:00 01:30:00
y = rand(size(x)); % random y
plot(x,y) % plot
xl = duration(1,[10 15],0) % duration x-lim values
xl = 1×2 duration array
01:10:00 01:15:00
xlim(xl) % apply the x-lim
Calum on 13 Mar 2024
Thanks Voss - creating array in the right format using the duration function is the kind of thing I was looking for!

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