Problems with using mxarrays with the step function in MATLAB Coder

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I'm trying to convert my image processing code on MATLAB into C by using MATLAB coder. using 'imread' needs a coder.entrinsic declaration. However, this means that the output to imread will be an mxArray. This is a problem as I cannot use this with the step function. The error report from code generation is shown below:
Does anyone know a way around this? Help will be very much appreciated!

Accepted Answer

Sharan Duggirala
Sharan Duggirala on 20 Apr 2015
Edited: Sharan Duggirala on 20 Apr 2015
The answer has been found here for anyone wondering about it.
Thank you for your help!

More Answers (1)

Ketan on 19 Apr 2015
You can assign the output of the extrinsically called imread to a variable of known type. For example:
% Assume IMREAD output is real uint8 [480 x 640]
I = zeros([480,640],'uint8');
I = imread(...);
Then it will not be treated as an mxArray which can only be used in a limited set of circumstances. See the following documentation for information on converting mxArrays to known types:
  1 Comment
Sharan Duggirala
Sharan Duggirala on 20 Apr 2015
I have a variable input to this function and it tells me that coder.varsize cannot be used with coder.entrinsic.

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