Plotting a 3-value graph

1 view (last 30 days)
rahan sof
rahan sof on 7 Apr 2024
Answered: Avni Agrawal on 28 Jun 2024
How can I draw the graph whose image I added? can you help me please?
The relationship between values is briefly,
drift ratio - displacement
displacement - base shear
I use the hold on command, but displacement and drift ratio are on the same axis (x axis).
How can I define separate axis like here?
Mann Baidi
Mann Baidi on 7 Apr 2024
I'm not sure about the requirement but you can define the relation bewteen them using the equation.
x2=(relation with x)*x;
Hope this will help!
rahan sof
rahan sof on 7 Apr 2024
Unfortunately it didn't work but thank you very much.

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Answers (1)

Avni Agrawal
Avni Agrawal on 28 Jun 2024
I understand that trying to plot two different y-axes for the same x-axis in MATLAB, you can use the yyaxis function. This allows you to create a plot with two y-axes, one on the left and one on the right, each with its own scale.
Here ia an example of how you can plot the relationship between drift ratio and displacement on one y-axis, and displacement and base shear on the other y-axis:
% Sample data
displacement = 0:0.1:10; % Example displacement data
drift_ratio = displacement * 0.05; % Example drift ratio data
base_shear = displacement * 2; % Example base shear data
% Create figure
% Plot drift ratio vs. displacement on the left y-axis
yyaxis left;
plot(displacement, drift_ratio, '-b', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
ylabel('Drift Ratio');
hold on;
% Plot base shear vs. displacement on the right y-axis
yyaxis right;
plot(displacement, base_shear, '-r', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
ylabel('Base Shear');
% Add title and legend
title('Displacement vs. Drift Ratio and Base Shear');
legend('Drift Ratio', 'Base Shear');
% Adjust figure properties
grid on;
I hope this helps!


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