How to avoid the overshoot in Jiles Atherton hysteresis loop
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Trying to plot a hysteresis model using jiles atherton hysteresis model in matlab. All the parameters are defined in the beginning.
Here is the code I have written,
%% Given parameters
a = 512;
c = 0.75;
k = 570;
M_s = 1.7*10^6;
i_s = 10^-6;
alpha = 0.032;
u_0 = 4*pi*10^-7;
f = 1;
h_max = 8000;
%% Generate time vector
t_start = 0; %start time
t_end = 60; %end time
dt = 0.001; %time steps
t = t_start:dt:t_end;
%% Initial values
M_irev(1) = 0; %Initial irreversible magnetization
h = h_max*sin(2*pi*f*t); % Sinusoidal magnetic field strength
%% Time stepping loop
for i=2:length(t)
% Compute effective field
h_e = h(i); % Applied field and effective field considered equal
% Compute anhysteric magnetization
M_an = M_s*(coth(h_e/a) - (a/(h_e))); % Langevin function
% Compute derivative of magnetic field with respect to time
dh_e = (h(i) - h(i-1)) / dt;
delta = sign(dh_e);
% Compute irreversible magnetization using Euler method
M_irev(i) = ((M_an - M_irev(i-1)) / ((k * delta) - (alpha * (M_an - M_irev(i-1))))) * dh_e;
% Update magnetization
M(i) = c*M_an + (1-c)*M_irev(i);
%% Magnetic flux density
B = u_0 * (h + M);
%% Plot results
plot(h, B);
xlabel('Magnetic Field Strength');
ylabel('Magnetic Flux Density');
title('HB Graph');
grid on;
The problem I am facing is when it plots the curve, it shows overshoot at three points. Suspecting the problem is in the 'Langevin function'. Lower values of h at the end part creates bigger values thus it shows overshoot at those points. I think I need to use approximation (Taylor series or similar method) at those points so that when overshoot happens the code will avoid those overshoots and take the approximation. Can anyone show me how can I do that approximation?
Answers (1)
Mathieu NOE
on 25 Apr 2024
I am just trying to remove the spikes (with filloutiers) and further smooth the curve with a touch of smoothdata
look at these 2 lines I added at the plot section
Bs= filloutliers(B,'linear','movmedian',15, 'ThresholdFactor', 1.1);
Bs= smoothdata(Bs,'sgolay',50);
code :
%% Given parameters
a = 512;
c = 0.75;
k = 570;
M_s = 1.7*10^6;
i_s = 10^-6;
alpha = 0.032;
u_0 = 4*pi*10^-7;
f = 1;
h_max = 8000;
%% Generate time vector
t_start = 0; %start time
t_end = 60; %end time
dt = 0.001; %time steps
t = t_start:dt:t_end;
%% Initial values
M_irev(1) = 0; %Initial irreversible magnetization
h = h_max*sin(2*pi*f*t); % Sinusoidal magnetic field strength
%% Time stepping loop
for i=2:length(t)
% Compute effective field
h_e = h(i); % Applied field and effective field considered equal
% Compute anhysteric magnetization
M_an = M_s*(coth(h_e/a) - (a/(h_e))); % Langevin function
% Compute derivative of magnetic field with respect to time
dh_e = (h(i) - h(i-1)) / dt;
delta = sign(dh_e);
% Compute irreversible magnetization using Euler method
M_irev(i) = ((M_an - M_irev(i-1)) / ((k * delta) - (alpha * (M_an - M_irev(i-1))))) * dh_e;
% Update magnetization
M(i) = c*M_an + (1-c)*M_irev(i);
%% Magnetic flux density
B = u_0 * (h + M);
%% Plot results
Bs= filloutliers(B,'linear','movmedian',15, 'ThresholdFactor', 1.1);
Bs= smoothdata(Bs,'sgolay',50);
plot(h, B, h, Bs);
xlabel('Magnetic Field Strength');
ylabel('Magnetic Flux Density');
title('HB Graph');
grid on;
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