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Rewriting in columns of Excel sheet

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MINATI PATRA on 29 Apr 2024
Commented: MINATI PATRA on 20 May 2024
%% After running the code for p1 = 0.01; p2 = 0.0; p3 = 0.0;
%Matlab writes the calculations of 'Cf' and 'Nu' in an excel sheet of Columns 'I' and 'J' respectively.
%% But I want to run the code 03 times with different values (i) p1 = 0.01; p2 = 0.0; p3 = 0.0;
% (ii) p1 = 0.01; p2 = 0.01; p3 = 0.0;(iii)p1 = 0.01;p2 = 0.01;p3 = 0.01;
% (other values are fixed as in Excel sheet)
%% Now I want Matlab to write the values of 'Cf' in the Columns " I, J, K " and the values of 'Nu' in the Columns " L, M, N" respectively. (SAME EXCEL SHEET)
%% Here is my try, please modify
status = mkdir('D:\PK79'); cd D:\PK79
filePath = 'D:\PK79\ADM3A.xlsx'; filename = 'ADM3A.xlsx';
d = readtable(filename);
T = fillmissing(d,"previous");
p1 = 0.01; p2 = 0.0; p3 = 0.0;
K = T.K; M = T.M; Pr = T.Pr; Ec = T.Ec; Q = T.Qe; D = T.D; b = T.b; Bi = T.Bi;
Cp = 1;rf = 7;kf = 0.6;sf = 5.5; C1 = 7;rhos1 = 1;k1 = 4;s1 = 1;
C2 = 5;r2 = 2;k2 = .5;s2 = 2.7; C3 = 6.2;r3 = 2;k3 = .9;s3 = 6.2;
H1 = ((1-p1)*(1-p2)*(1-p3))^-2.5; H2 = (1-p3)*( (1-p2)*( 1-p1 + p1*rhos1/rf ) + p2*r2/rf ) + p3*r3/rf;
H3 = (1-p3)*( (1-p2)*(1-p1 + p1*rhos1*C1/(rf*Cp)) + p2*r2*C2/(rf*Cp) ) + p3*r3*C3/(rf*Cp);
C2 = ( (s1+2*sf-2*p1*(sf-s1))/(s1+2*sf+p1*(sf-s1)));
C3 = ( (s2+2*C2-2*p2*(C2-s2))/(s2+2*C2+p2*(C2-s2)) );
A3 = ( (s3+2*C3-2*p3*(C3-s3))/(s3+2*C3+p3*(C3-s3)) );
B1 = ( (k1+2*kf-2*p1*(kf-k1))/(k1+2*kf+p1*(kf-k1)) );
B2 = ( (k2+2*B1-2*p2*(B1-k2))/(k2+2*B1+p2*(B1-k2)) );
H4 = ( (k3+2*B2-2*p3*(B2-k3))/(k3+2*B2+p3*(B2-k3)) );
N = size(T,1); Cf = zeros(N,1); Nu = zeros(N,1);
for k = 1:N
ODE = @(x,y)[y(2); y(3); y(4);
M(k)*(x+K(k)).^2*(A3/H1).*(y(2) + (x+K(k)).*y(3)) - 2*y(4)./(x+K(k)) + y(3)./(x+K(k)).^2 - y(2)./(x+K(k)).^3 - (H2/H1)*K(k)*((x+K(k)).^2.*(y(1)*y(4) - y(2)*y(3))) - y(1)*y(2) + (x+K(k)).*(y(1)*y(3)-y(2)^2);
y(6); - (Pr(k)/H4)*( Q(k)*(y(5) + exp(-D(k)*x)) + H3*K(k)*y(1)*y(6) + M(k)*Ec(k)*A3*y(2)^2 ) - y(6) ];
BC = @(ya,yb)[ya(1); ya(2)-1-b(k)*(ya(3)-ya(2)/K(k)); ya(6)-Bi(k)*(ya(5)-1); yb([2;3;5])];
xa = 0; xb = 6;
x = linspace(xa,xb,101);
solinit = bvpinit(x,[0 1 0 1 0 1]);
sol = bvp5c(ODE,BC,solinit);
S = deval(sol,x);
Cf(k) = H1*( S(3,1) - S(2,1)/K(k));
Nu(k) = -H4*S(6,1);
T.Cf = Cf; T.Nu = Nu;
vars = T.Properties.VariableNames;
T = removevars(T,vars(startsWith(vars,'Var')));
T = readtable(filename) % check the result:
MINATI PATRA on 29 Apr 2024
Edited: MINATI PATRA on 29 Apr 2024
Again same problem arised as before.
I want the results of 'Cf' and 'Nu' in (i) 1st run in columns 'I' and 'L' (ii) 2nd run in columns 'J' and 'M' (iii) 3rd run in columns 'K' and 'N'
Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi on 29 Apr 2024
@MINATI PATRA, I didn't change your code, I just formatted it properly.

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Answers (1)

Joshua Levin Kurniawan
Joshua Levin Kurniawan on 29 Apr 2024
Hello, you can add this lines of code to create 3 loops by simply using for loop with defined matrix below.
% Parameter combinations
params = [0.01, 0.0, 0.0; % (i)
0.01, 0.01, 0.0; % (ii)
0.01, 0.01, 0.01];% (iii)
Then, modify your loop into the following code
% Loop of each combinations (3 in total)
for i = 1:size(params, 1)
p1 = params(i, 1);
p2 = params(i, 2);
p3 = params(i, 3);
H1 = ((1-p1)*(1-p2)*(1-p3))^-2.5;
H2 = (1-p3)*((1-p2)*(1-p1 + p1*rhos1/rf) + p2*r2/rf) + p3*r3/rf;
H3 = (1-p3)*((1-p2)*(1-p1 + p1*rhos1*C1/(rf*Cp)) + p2*r2*C2/(rf*Cp)) + p3*r3*C3/(rf*Cp);
C2 = ((s1+2*sf-2*p1*(sf-s1))/(s1+2*sf+p1*(sf-s1)));
C3 = ((s2+2*C2-2*p2*(C2-s2))/(s2+2*C2+p2*(C2-s2)));
A3 = ((s3+2*C3-2*p3*(C3-s3))/(s3+2*C3+p3*(C3-s3)));
B1 = ((k1+2*kf-2*p1*(kf-k1))/(k1+2*kf+p1*(kf-k1)));
B2 = ((k2+2*B1-2*p2*(B1-k2))/(k2+2*B1+p2*(B1-k2)));
H4 = ((k3+2*B2-2*p3*(B2-k3))/(k3+2*B2+p3*(B2-k3)));
N = size(T, 1);
Cf = zeros(N, 1);
Nu = zeros(N, 1);
% Solve ODEs and calculate Cf and Nu
for k = 1:N
ODE = @(x, y)[y(2); y(3); y(4);
M(k)*(x+K(k)).^2*(A3/H1).*(y(2) + (x+K(k)).*y(3)) - 2*y(4)./(x+K(k)) + y(3)./(x+K(k)).^2 - y(2)./(x+K(k)).^3 - (H2/H1)*K(k)*((x+K(k)).^2.*(y(1)*y(4) - y(2)*y(3))) - y(1)*y(2) + (x+K(k)).*(y(1)*y(3)-y(2)^2);
y(6); - (Pr(k)/H4)*(Q(k)*(y(5) + exp(-D(k)*x)) + H3*K(k)*y(1)*y(6) + M(k)*Ec(k)*A3*y(2)^2) - y(6)];
BC = @(ya, yb)[ya(1); ya(2)-1-b(k)*(ya(3)-ya(2)/K(k)); ya(6)-Bi(k)*(ya(5)-1); yb([2;3;5])];
xa = 0;
xb = 6;
x = linspace(xa, xb, 101);
solinit = bvpinit(x, [0 1 0 1 0 1]);
sol = bvp5c(ODE, BC, solinit);
S = deval(sol, x);
Cf(k) = H1*(S(3,1) - S(2,1)/K(k));
Nu(k) = -H4*S(6,1);
% Write the result
col_offset = (i - 1) * 3;
T{:, {'Cf', 'Nu'}} = [Cf, Nu];
writetable(T, filename, 'WriteMode', 'overwritesheet', 'Range', ['I1:N' num2str(N + 1)]);
MINATI PATRA on 3 May 2024
Edited: MINATI PATRA on 7 May 2024
I also saw late, thats why late response.
Anyway thanks for your involvement. Please see the excel sheet attachment (Previously I have attached without UPLOADING, meaningless).
The columns ' I, J, and K ' for Cf; ' L, M, and N' for NU; should be filled up for three runs (i), (ii) and (iii), mentioned eariler in your code.
Please have a look at the excel sheet and modify if anything needed according to you to make it success. We will then close the thread.

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