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RoadRunner Import GIS Asset; GDAL Error

22 views (last 30 days)
John on 19 Jul 2024 at 20:36
I have just installed and started learning RoadRunner; however, I cannot import Geotiffs. Other tools work except importing GIS assets, I've tried both JPEG2000 and Geotiff and get GDAL Error. The Geotiffs I use are georeferenced and open correctly in QGIS, Autodesk programs, etc. I've attached the output as txt.
Computer Specs: Ryzen 5950x, 48gbs Ram, RTX 4070
I think I have adequete system resources to open the terrain.
> PROJ_LIB set. Vertical projections enabled
> Started RoadRunner API server on port 35707.
> ERROR: GDAL Error class : 3, Error Number : 1, Error Msg : failed to load datum shift file
> ERROR: GDAL Error class : 3, Error Number : 1, Error Msg : GDALWarperOperation::ComputeSourceWindow() failed because the pfnTransformer failed.
> WARNING: GDAL Warning : Error Number : 1, Error Msg : Unable to compute source region for output window 0,0,500,500, skipping.
> ERROR: GDAL Error class : 3, Error Number : 1, Error Msg : failed to load datum shift file
> ERROR: Failed to transform bounds: Failed to transform corner point: (2.12105, 0.440862)
> ERROR: GDAL Error class : 3, Error Number : 1, Error Msg : failed to load datum shift file
> ERROR: Failed to transform bounds: Failed to transform corner point: (2.12105, 0.440862)
> ERROR: GDAL Error class : 3, Error Number : 1, Error Msg : failed to load datum shift file
> ERROR: Failed to transform bounds: Failed to transform corner point: (2.12105, 0.440862)

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