I am getting "Conversion to logical from table is not possible." error, how do you solve it?
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Im developing a code that requires a function that needs to read a table from an Excel File. When I try to run it, I am getting "conversion to logical from table is not possible" for the conditional section "if M <= Mh". How can I solve this problem?
The Excel File only contains numeric coefficients.
This is the code that i'm working for.
function [Y,sf,st,stot] = GMM_Heresi_2023(T,M,z,F_in,Rrup,Rhyp,Vs30)
if F_in == 0 || F_in == -888
M = min(M,9);
elseif F_in == 1 || F_in == -777
M = min(M,8);
%% Coeficientes Heresi pg.5
Table = readtable('Heresi_ValoresGMM.xlsx');
T2 = Table.Var1;
ind_coeff = find(T == T2(:));
c0 = Table(ind_coeff,2);
dc0 = Table(ind_coeff,3);
c1 = Table(ind_coeff,4);
dc1 = Table(ind_coeff,5);
c2 = Table(ind_coeff,6);
dc2 = Table(ind_coeff,7);
c3 = Table(ind_coeff,8);
Mh = Table(ind_coeff,9);
c4 = Table(ind_coeff,10);
dc4 = Table(ind_coeff,11);
c5 = Table(ind_coeff,12);
c6 = Table(ind_coeff,13);
c7 = Table(ind_coeff,14);
%% F_event term
if M <= Mh
f_event = c0 + dc0*F_in + (c1 + dc1*F_in)*(M - Mh) + c3*(z - 60)*F_in;
elseif M >= Mh
f_event = c0 + dc0*F_in + (c2 + dc2*F_in)*(M - Mh) + c3*(z - 60)*F_in;
%% F_path term
if F_in == 0 || F_in == -888 && M >= 7.7
R = Rrup;
R = Rhyp;
f_path = (c4 + dc4*F_in + c5*(M - 5))*ln(R) + c6*R;
%% f_soil term
f_soil = c7*ln(Vs30/600);
%% PGA or PSA and standar deviations
Y = e^(f_event + f_path + f_soil);
st = Tabla(ind_coeff,15);
sf = Tabla(ind_coeff,16);
stot = sqrt(sf^2 + st^2);
Accepted Answer
on 29 Jul 2024
"How can I solve this problem?"
Use the correct indexing:
c0 = Table(ind_coeff,2); % what you are doing: return another table
c0 = Table{ind_coeff,2}; % what you should be doing: return the table **content**
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