How does dlgradient handle two output layers?
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I have a deep learning image analysis network with a custom training loop and loss function. In this loss function I take the output layer's output and the second to last layer's output from the net, perform mse (using the inbuilt function) on both, and sum the results. My output layer is a custom layer, so I have control over it's backwards function, but I cannot see the automatic backwards in the other layers.
When I use dlgradient on this new loss, how does Matlab handle two simultaneous rounds of differentiation? Does it sum the gradients for each learnable, or does one gradient calculation override the other?
I have tried both adam and SGDM methods of updating gradients, but I am suspecting since my network is not learning as expected that I need to adjust my backwards function in my custom layer to ensure a proper gradient backpropagation.
EDIT: Added some abstract code to demonstrate the context of my question. Specifically I'm asking if anyone knows what's going on under the hood as it does two backpropagations starting from two places. How it handles combining the propagated backwards gradients as it performs dlgradient, so I can better understand how to craft my backwards function.
function dlgradientForumQuestion()
% create a network
modelLayers = [
% initialize network
myNetwork = dlnetwork(modelLayers);
myNetwork = initialize(myNetwork);
% do training
for i = 1:numTrainingIterations
% use custom loss function
[gradients,newState] = dlfeval(@customLossFunction,myNetwork,inputData,targetData1,targetData2);
myNetwork.State = newState;
% do the adamupdate here
[myNetwork,~,~] = adamupdate(myNetwork,gradients,averageGrad,averageSqGrad,iteration);
function [gradients,newState] = customLossFunction(myNetwork,inputData,targetData1,targetData2)
% forward through network
[customOutput,secondToLastOutput,newState] = forward(myNetwork,inputData,"Outputs",["output_layer","processing"]);
% do loss mse
loss1 = mse(customOutput,targetData1);
loss2 = mse(secondToLastOutput,targetData2);
% sum the losses
loss = loss1 + loss2;
% get gradients
gradients = dlgradient(loss,myNetwork.Learnables);
Accepted Answer
Matt J
on 23 Aug 2024
Edited: Matt J
on 23 Aug 2024
Along the lines of what @Catalytic said, it is hard to envision how you are trying to use dlgradient without seeing that code. As a general point, however, there is no substantive difference in how backpropagation works when your network has forks in it. The fact that you have two outputs introduces a fork in the network graph just the same as if you had a network with skip connections. Backpropagation handles both the same way and hence dlgradient, which merely invokes backpropagation, works the same way as well.
Matt J
on 23 Aug 2024
You are quite welcome, but if/when you consider your question resolved, please Accept-click the answer.
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