Bar series plot, transparent colors on the bars

17 views (last 30 days)
I use Matlab v. R2014b and have a problem with setting the bar series plot to have transparent colors. I add 9 different data sets (given by a&b) on one single plot/figure, using a for-loop and the hold on comand. A simplification of the code is given here:
plotStyle = {'b','k','r','g','c','m','y',[1 0.270588 0],[0.180392 0.545098 0.341176]}; %setting colors for the plot
for i=1:9 %starting for-loop
a=[1; 2; 3; 4; 5]; %vector giving moment, x-axis
b=[10; 3; 5; 7; 9]; %vector giving number of occurences, y-axis
% Both a & b is updated for every round of the loop, here exemplified with use of a random number
figure (1)
legendInfo{i} = ['Overpull' num2str(i)];
hold on
end %ending for-loop
legend(legendInfo) %displaying legend
To get transparent bar I therefore tried to add "FaceAlpha" in the "bar-command", but this is not allowed for barseries as far as I have found out. I have also tried using handles with pathces, but this doesent seem to work with this version of matlab... Does anyone have a solution on how to get transparent colors on the bars?

Accepted Answer

Brendan Hamm
Brendan Hamm on 6 May 2015
Try the solution I have pasted in another post ... just last night. I have made a function which creates the patches necessary to create a transparent bar plot.
kathrigr on 6 May 2015
Perfect! however, i had a problem with my labels when using this patch function you created(the labels come up in the plot, but the colors are not correct(all blue)). Do you know if there is a simple way of including labels in this function?

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More Answers (1)

Thomas Koelen
Thomas Koelen on 6 May 2015
They explain how to it on this website:
Only works on 2014B, well earlier versions can do it aswell but it is a lot of hassle.
Brendan Hamm
Brendan Hamm on 6 May 2015
The children of bar is now empty post 2014b so this will not work.

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