how to convert mat file to dcm file
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Dear All
I have Image as you can download from link here ( ).
I tries to convert it into .dcm but failed.
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sz = [128 128 128];
fname = 'nemay90_sca_w1.h00_it4.img';
fid = fopen(fname);
data = fread(fid,'*float'); % assuming uint
% this is blindly devectorized
% may still be transposed, but i can't tell due to symmetry
% note that data is binarized on a [0 1000] scale in uint16
% so if viewing in a denormalized manner, it'll just appear black
% normalize or rescale it as needed
data = reshape(data,sz);
data1 = im2uint16(data);
data2 = permute(data1,[3,1,2]);
dicomwrite(data2,'NEWDATA.dcm','CreateMode', 'copy');
Error using dicom_copy_IOD>getIOD
Missing required attribute (0008,0016) "SOPClassUID"
Error in dicom_copy_IOD (line 26)
IOD_UID = getIOD(metadata, options, dictionary);
Error in dicomwrite>write_message (line 97)
[attrs, status] = dicom_copy_IOD(X, map, ...
Error in dicomwrite (line 28)
Answers (1)
Walter Roberson
on 11 Oct 2024
When you write a DICOM file, you need to set a number of entries in the data dictionary, including SOPClassUID (but several others as well!)
dicomwrite(data2,'NEWDATA.dcm','CreateMode', 'copy');
CreateMode 'copy' is really only useful if you are passing in meta_struct or info
Creating a DICOM file "from scratch" is a bit of a nuisance, all of the fields that need to be set.
It is usually easier to start with a representative file and copy the headers out of that file, such as
representative_fname = 'nemay_representative.dcm';
representative_info = dicominfo(representative_fname);
dicomwrite(data2,'NEWDATA.dcm', representative_info, 'CreateMode', 'copy');
See Also
Find more on Convert Image Type in Help Center and File Exchange
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