How to properly use Symbolic Toolbox to implement superscripts and subscripts on imaginary numbers and theta

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Greetings community,
I'll begin by saying that I am not an engineer or math expert. This question arose during my independent research to understand kinematics, more specifically complex number addition and vector loops.
Part of this expirement is that I want to learn more about properly using the Symbolic Toolbox to be able to write expressions as seen in this image snippet. However, I am failing to use the superscripts and subscripts properly. Consider the following code snippet:
syms V1 theta_1 i
V1_expr = V1 * exp(theta_1 * 1i)
As the more educated person can see, it will not produce the desired outcome as shown in the image above. It will subscript theta with 1. Instead I have tried to subscript the imaginary number but MatLab gets upset when I do that. What I get as a result that works right now is:
Would anyone be willing to assist me?
  1 Comment
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 4 Nov 2024
Be careful. If you use
syms V1 theta_1 i
V1_expr = V1 * exp(theta_1 * i)
then i is treated as just another symbol, instead of as the special constant sqrt(-1)

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Accepted Answer

Aneela on 4 Nov 2024
Edited: Aneela on 4 Nov 2024
The "syms" function in MATLAB's Symbolic Toolbox allows you to create symbolic scalar variables and functions, and matrix variables and functions.
The code below generates desired expression:
syms V1 theta1 i
V1_expr = V1 * exp(i * theta1);
Please refer to the following MathWorks documentation for more information on "syms":
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 4 Nov 2024
Edited: Walter Roberson on 4 Nov 2024
In LiveScript, both expressions are the same.
Unfortunately due to a bug in MATLAB Answers, I cannot show you the outputs. (They are there... just not showing up.)
clear i %MATLAB Answers glitch, i initialized as [] sometimes
syms V1 theta_1
V1_expr = V1 * exp(theta_1 * 1i);
V2_expr = V1 * exp(theta_1 * i);

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