Prediction of Dynamic Magnification factor (DMF) and acceleration transfer function (Tf_tf) curves based on data provided from the numerical model using neural networks.
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So This is the code which i used to produce data of Dynamic magnification factor (DMF) and acceleration transfer functions (Tf_tf) in graph format/curves for different pairs of wtd and zeta_td for a SDOF with a Tuned Mass Damper System. I've take just 101 data just to understand the behavior. Now I need to make a neural network model which can predict the curves for a different pair of wtd and zeta_td. How can I do it? The input data should be wtd, zeta_td and output should be DMF and Tf_tf curves.
% Data for SDOF Structure with TMD - Frequency response analysis
clear all;
% Number of Data Required to extract
% Structure information
M_str = 10^3*[179]; % Kg % Structure Mass
K_str = 10^6*[62.47]; % N/m % Structure Stiffness
C_str = 10^6*[0.81]; % Ns/m % Structure Damping coefficient
% TMD information
mass_ratio = 0.03; % Mass ratio for TMD
mtd = mass_ratio*sum(M_str); % TMD Mass
wtd = linspace(0,100,l); % natural frequency range for TMD in rad/s
zeta_td = linspace(0,0.1,l); % Damping ratio range for TMD
ktd = mtd.*wtd.^2; % Stiffness of the TMD
ctd = 2*zeta_td.*sqrt(ktd*mtd); % Damping Coefficient of the TMD
% Initialize empty arrays for m_data, k_data and c_data
m_data = zeros(l, length(M_str) + 1); % Matrix to store m values
k_data = zeros(l, length(K_str) + 1); % Matrix to store k values
c_data = zeros(l, length(C_str) + 1); % Matrix to store c values
% Loop to add mtd, ktd and ctd values to m, k and c lists
for i = 1:l
m_data(i, :) = [M_str, mtd]; % Add each mtd to the m list
k_data(i, :) = [K_str, ktd(i)]; % Add each ktd(i) to the k list
c_data(i, :) = [C_str, ctd(i)]; % Add each ctd(i) to the c list
% % Display the results
% disp('m_data:');
% disp(m_data);
% disp('k_data:');
% disp(k_data);
% disp('c_data:');
% disp(c_data);
% Mass, Stiffness and Damping Matrices
% Initialize a cell array to store the stiffness matrices
M_matrices = cell(l, 1); % Cell array to store l mass matrices
K_matrices = cell(l, 1); % Cell array to store l stiffness matrices
C_matrices = cell(l, 1); % Cell array to store l damping matrices
% Loop to generate the stiffness, damping, and mass matrices for each row
for row = 1:l
m_row = m_data(row, :); % Get the m values for the current row
k_row = k_data(row, :); % Get the k values for the current row
c_row = c_data(row, :); % Get the c values for the current row
% Number of degrees of freedom (n x n matrix size)
n_m = length(m_row);
n_k = length(k_row);
n_c = length(c_row);
% Initialize mass matrix for the current row (n x n)
M = diag(m_row); % Mass matrix as a diagonal matrix using m_data
M_matrices{row} = M; % Store the mass matrix in the cell array
% Initialize stiffness matrix for the current row (n x n)
K = zeros(n_k);
% Fill the stiffness matrix for the current row
for i = 1:n_k
if i < n_k
K(i, i) = k_row(i) + k_row(i+1); % Diagonal element
K(i, i+1) = -k_row(i+1); % Upper off-diagonal
K(i+1, i) = -k_row(i+1); % Lower off-diagonal
K(i, i) = k_row(i); % Last diagonal element
K_matrices{row} = K; % Store the stiffness matrix in the cell array
% Initialize damping matrix for the current row (n x n)
C = zeros(n_c);
% Fill the damping matrix for the current row
for i = 1:n_c
if i < n_c
C(i, i) = c_row(i) + c_row(i+1); % Diagonal element
C(i, i+1) = -c_row(i+1); % Upper off-diagonal
C(i+1, i) = -c_row(i+1); % Lower off-diagonal
C(i, i) = c_row(i); % Last diagonal element
C_matrices{row} = C; % Store the damping matrix in the cell array
% % Display the mass, stiffness, damping, matrices
% for row = 1:l
% disp(['Mass Matrix (M) for row ', num2str(row), ':']);
% disp(M_matrices{row});
% disp(['Stiffness Matrix (K) for row ', num2str(row), ':']);
% disp(K_matrices{row});
% disp(['Damping Matrix (C) for row ', num2str(row), ':']);
% disp(C_matrices{row});
% end
%Natural frequencies
% Initialize arrays to store natural frequencies and time periods for each configuration
natural_frequencies_all = cell(l, 1); % Cell array to store natural frequencies for each configuration
time_periods_all = cell(l, 1); % Cell array to store time periods for each configuration
% Loop through each set of K and M matrices in the cell arrays
for row = 1:l
K = K_matrices{row}; % Get the stiffness matrix for the current row
M = M_matrices{row}; % Get the mass matrix for the current row
[eigenvectors, eigenvalues] = eig(K, M);
natural_frequencies = sqrt(diag(eigenvalues)); % rad/s
natural_frequencies_all{row} = natural_frequencies; % Store the natural frequencies in the cell array
time_periods = 2 * pi ./ natural_frequencies; % s
time_periods_all{row} = time_periods; % Store the time periods in the cell array
% % Display Natural frequencies
% disp(['Natural Frequencies for Configuration ', num2str(row), ':']);
% disp(natural_frequencies);
% % Display Time periods
% disp(['Time Periods for Configuration ', num2str(row), ':']);
% disp(time_periods);
critical_time_periods = cellfun(@max, time_periods_all); % critical time periods (lowest natural frequency) for each configuration
% % Display the critical time periods for each configuration
% disp('Critical Time Periods for Each Configuration:');
% disp(critical_time_periods);
% Excitation frequency range
omega_range = linspace(5,100, 100000); % rad/s
frequency_range = omega_range/(2*pi); % Hz
first_natural_frequencies = cellfun(@(x) x(1), natural_frequencies_all); % Extract the first natural frequency for each configuration
% Dynamic Magnification Factor for top floor (DMF) with frequency ratio (r)
DMF_cells = cell(l, 1); % Cell array to store DMF for each configuration
frequency_ratios = cell(l, 1); % Cell array to store frequency ratios for each configuration
% Loop to calculate DMF and frequency ratio for each configuration
for row = 1:l
K = K_matrices{row}; % Get the stiffness matrix for the current row
C = C_matrices{row}; % Get the damping matrix for the current row
M = M_matrices{row}; % Get the mass matrix for the current row
% Get the first natural frequency for the current row
first_natural_frequency = first_natural_frequencies(row);
% Calculate the frequency ratio (r) for the current row
r = omega_range / first_natural_frequency; % Frequency ratio (r) for the current configuration
% Initialize DMF array for the current row
DMF = zeros(1, length(omega_range));
% Loop to calculate DMF for each frequency ratio
for i = 1:length(omega_range)
omega = omega_range(i);
H_d = (K - M * omega^2 + 1j * C * omega)\K;
DMF(i) = abs(H_d(length(M_str), 1)); % DMF for the top floor displacement
DMF_cells{row} = DMF; % Store the DMF array in the cell array
frequency_ratios{row} = r; % Store the frequency ratio array in the cell array
% Plot each DMF against the frequency ratio stored in frequency_ratios
for row = 1:l % l is the number of configurations
DMF = DMF_cells{row}; % DMF array for the current row
r = frequency_ratios{row}; % Frequency ratio for the current row
plot(r, DMF, 'LineWidth', 1.5); % Plot DMF against frequency ratio
hold on;
xlabel('Frequency Ratio (r = \omega / \omega_1)');
ylabel('Dynamic Magnification Factor (DMF)');
title('DMF vs Frequency Ratio for Different Configurations');
legend(arrayfun(@(x) ['Configuration ', num2str(x)], 1:l, 'UniformOutput', false));
grid on;
hold off;
% Excitation frequency range
omega_range = linspace(5,100, 100000); % rad/s
frequency_range = omega_range/(2*pi); % Hz
% Acceleration Transfer Function for top floor
TF_tf_cells = cell(l, 1); % Cell array to store Tf for each configuration
l_vector = ones(length(M_str)+1,1);
% Loop to calculate Tf for each set of M, K, and C matrices
for row = 1:l
K = K_matrices{row}; % Get the stiffness matrix for the current row
C = C_matrices{row}; % Get the damping matrix for the current row
M = M_matrices{row}; % Get the mass matrix for the current row
% Initialize Tf array for the current row
TF_tf = zeros(1, length(omega_range));
% Loop over frequency range to calculate Tf
for i = 1:length(omega_range)
omega = omega_range(i);
H_a = (K - M * omega^2 + 1j * C * omega) \ (-M*omega^2*l_vector);
TF_tf(i) = 20*log10(abs(H_a(length(M_str), 1))); % dB
TF_tf_cells{row} = TF_tf; % Store the Tf array in the cell array
% Plot each Tf stored in Tf_tf_cells
% Loop through each Tf in the cell array
for row = 1:l
TF_tf = TF_tf_cells{row}; % Tf_tf array for the current row
% Plot DMF vs Frequency_range(Hz) curve
semilogx(frequency_range, TF_tf, 'LineWidth', 1.5);
hold on;
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)');
ylabel('Acceleration Transfer Function Tf(dB)');
title('Tf for Different Configurations');
legend(arrayfun(@(x) ['Configuration ', num2str(x)], 1:l, 'UniformOutput', false)); % Dynamic legend
grid on;
hold off;
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