Parallel Gradient Based Optimizer, Objective Function Uses Simulink

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I am working on an optimization problem. I currently have a simulink model what I would like to do is to find the right parameters in the Simulink model so that the results it gives matches the test data.
I have managed to use ga, with UseVectorized=true to parallelize it, my objective function calls simulink model to calculate the error between test data and simulation results. What I would like to do is the same but I want to use a gradient based optimizer like fmincon, but I could not make it work. Can anyone explain how to do this with fmincon, there is no UseVectorized option. Any other gradient based optimizer can also work.
Kind Regards

Accepted Answer

Sadi on 14 Nov 2024
Hi Ayush,
Thank you for your answer. I have tried what you have said and encountered some problems. For the objective function I am using a Simulink model not a matlab function. I have constructed the simulink model of the example you have given and it works fine. However, my original simulink model is a bit complex when I try to run it, some constants and fromworkspace blocks seems to be not getting the data from the matlab workspace, do you have any workarounds for this ?
Kind Regards
  1 Comment
Sadi on 18 Nov 2024
I have found the solution by passing the workspace variables in objective function. Use set_params function in the objective function to define the required workspace variables in simulink.

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More Answers (1)

Ayush Aniket
Ayush Aniket on 14 Nov 2024
Edited: Ayush Aniket on 14 Nov 2024
Hi Sadi,
I understand that your objective is to use gradient based optimization function like fmincon with parallel computing options. You can use the UseParallel argument of the optimoptions funtion and then supply it to the fmincon function. Refer to the following documentation link that shows an example for the same:




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