Possible bug found in listArduinoLibraries()
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I have followed the tutorial for the creation of a HelloWorld Arduino Addon Library. Upon completion I was unable to get the addon to register so I subsequently followed the documention for Custom Arduino Library Issues.
clear classes
rehash toolboxcache
Produces a warning:
Warning: Function license has the same name as a MATLAB built-in. We suggest you rename the function to avoid a potential name conflict.
lib = listArduinoLibraries();
Produces a list of warnings and errors
Warning: The following error was caught while executing 'onCleanup' class destructor:
Output argument "status" (and possibly others) not assigned a value in the execution with "matlabshared.ddux/HWSDKDataUtility/dataUpdateImpl" function.
Error in matlabshared.internal.DataUtility/dataUpdate
Error in matlabshared.ddux.HWSDKDataUtilityHelper/integrateData
Error in listArduinoLibraries>@()integrateData(dduxHelper) (line 17)
c = onCleanup(@()integrateData(dduxHelper));
Error in onCleanup/delete (line 25)
Error in listArduinoLibraries (line 72)
And of course, my HelloWorld addon doesn't register. Perhaps this potential bug might be the cause?
Les Beckham
on 5 Dec 2024
Interesting. Did you try which -all license in Matlab Online? The error messages that you showed seemed to indicate an issue with that command.
Answers (1)
on 11 Dec 2024
Hi Clayton,
I also encountered the same warnings and errors when calling “listArduinoLibraries()” in MATLAB Online.
I fixed it by running the following snippet before calling “listArduinoLibraries()”:
system('mkdir -p overloads/+matlab/+ddux/+internal');
system (['echo -e "function status = logData(identification, varargin) \\n status = true; \\n end" > overloads/+matlab/+ddux/+internal/logData.m']);
Regarding warning about ‘license’, I remember seeing in an older documentation of “rehash” that this functionality was not supported in MATLAB Online. This might be contributing to the unexpected behaviour.
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