A optimization problem with constraints

2 views (last 30 days)
Hi, I have a optimization problem. I used the function x = fmincon(fff,x0,A,b) to do optimize ; I have some constraints on x.
Moreover, I also want to make a constraint on an intermediate variable z inside the function fff. For example let z < 0. z is in an intermediate variable of fff and will change with x.
I think fmincon cannot make a constraint on the intermediate variable z , how can I do this? Use other function instead of fmincon?

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 25 Jun 2015
function minx = minimizex
x0 = 1; %some guess
A = []; b = [];, Aeq = []; beq = []; lb = []; ub = [];
minx = fmincon(@(x) x, X0, A, b, Aeq, beq, lb, ub, @lastz);
function [c, ceq] = lastz(X)
timesteps = [.....] as appropriate
boundaryconditions = [....] as appropriate
zposition = 2; %which of the outputs is z?
%"x is parameter to the ode"
[T, Z] = ode45( @(t,y) YourFunction(t, y, x), timesteps, boundaryconditions);
z = Z(end,zposition);
c = z;
ceq = [];

More Answers (1)

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski on 24 Jun 2015
You'll have to use a nonlinear constraint on x, i.e. it fails if z is outside of range.
Matt J
Matt J on 24 Jun 2015
Edited: Matt J on 24 Jun 2015
The function fff is an ode function. X is the parameter of the ode, z is the result of the ode
If z is the "result of the ode" that means z is a function of time t (or some other variable). Is that correct? If so, at what times t do you want z(t)<=0 to be satisfied? If z(t)<=0 over some infinite or continuous range of t, then fmincon cannot handle that. You might have to look at fseminf.
If instead you're happy to satisfy z(t(i))<=0 at some finite set of sample times t(i), then simply return z(t(i)) from your nonlcon function.
craftsman on 25 Jun 2015
Thank you a lot for your answer. Yes, z is the "result of the ode" and z is a function of time. The constraint on z is z(t(end)) <= 0. So I can simply set c = z(t(end)) in my nonlcon function? Is that correct?

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