Remove diagnostic information, iterations, estimate results..from screen from egarch fit

2 views (last 30 days)
Could i get some advice on the way of removing egarch(1,1) information (diagnostic, iter, estimate...) from output screen? below is my command:
model= egarch(1,1);
fit= estimate(model,data);
EstMdl = estimate(Mdl,y,Name,Value)
it looked like I could add as a solution:
fit= estimate(model,data, 'Display', 'off');
However i end up with the following error:
Argument 'Display' did not match any valid parameter of the parser.

Accepted Answer

Brendan Hamm
Brendan Hamm on 6 Jul 2015
Edited: Brendan Hamm on 6 Jul 2015
The documentation you will find online is always for the latest release of MATLAB. You are likely using a release prior which did not have this option. Prior to the 'Display' option the same could be achieved by the following:
opt = optimoptions('fmincon','Display','off'); % Get fmincon default options and turn display off
opt = struct(opt); % Convert to structure
data = randn(200,1); % Random data for fitting
model = egarch(1,1); % Create model
fit = estimate(model,data,'options',opt); % Pass options argument
This will not work in current versions of MATLAB and it is recommended to use the Name-Value arguments for the estimate function.
Brendan Hamm
Brendan Hamm on 6 Jul 2015
I do not believe there was an option for this prior to the Name-Value pair change that initiated this, but in current versions turning the display off suppresses this. I have also added a note to my previous answer.

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