MATLAB-function of area under the curve

4 views (last 30 days)
Kent Lam
Kent Lam on 15 Jul 2015
Commented: Walter Roberson on 21 Jul 2015
Write a MATLAB function M-file that carries out the calculation of the area under the curve for any function f, interval [a,b] and choice of n regular partitions.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 16 Jul 2015
"Write a MATLAB function" is not a question, it is an order. Your commands have no authority over any of the volunteers. If you hope to get the assistance of the volunteers, you have to present something that is enjoyable for the volunteers. The link about how to ask questions gives guidelines on how to make your questions more attractive to the volunteers. If you choose to not follow the guidelines then the volunteers are likely to choose to move on to a different Question.
Kent Lam
Kent Lam on 21 Jul 2015
I apologize about that, I will improve my asking skill

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Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 15 Jul 2015
That is not possible. There are functions which are infinitely discontinuous, so the area under the functions are impossible to calculate. There are other functions whose values are not known, some of which have been proven impossible to know the values of except through brute-force testing.
  1 Comment
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 21 Jul 2015
A reminder that Mathematics does not yet have the notation to express all possible functions in a finite form. There are arguments to suggest that it is not possible to develop a finite notation to express all possible functions in finite form. And I think you will find that MATLAB has essential limitations in handling the infinite expressions you are planning to allow the user to input.

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