number of samples in the signal

3 views (last 30 days)
Kutru biladi
Kutru biladi on 22 Jul 2015
Commented: Star Strider on 22 Jul 2015
Hi all, i am new in matlab. i want to implement a equation.
ts = 0.01;
t = 0:ts:10;
fs = 1/ts;
fc = 50;
S = cos(2*pi*fc*t);
now i want to implement a equation with t[n]. Here what shoud i take as number of samples.
S2 = sin(2*pi*fc*t[n] + phi(t[n]));
what shoud i put here as t[n];
dpb on 22 Jul 2015
In Matlab, one uses the facility to treat values as vectors (or matrices or arrays) instead of dealing with individual element-at-a-time paradigms such as C.
Just write
S2 = sin(2*pi*fc*t + phi);
excepting you need a defining formula for phi that you've not supplied.
Star Strider
Star Strider on 22 Jul 2015
Also, in MATLAB, square brackets [] are not used for subscript references. See the documentation on Special Characters for details.

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