pdepe - changing I.C 'midstream'
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I'm using pdepe to solve a system of two nonlinear reaction-diffusion equations, Neumann B.C. At some time, t1, I would like to have pdepe use the solution, u(x,t1), a size(t)-by-size(x)-by-2 array, as the new Initial Conditions and have pdepe continue the solution from there. I want to do this because at t1 I want to change the values of some of the parameters in the reaction function specification (in pdefun) and get to the final solution. For the life of me, I cannot figure out how to pass u(x,t1) to icfun so that pdepe will use u(x,t1) as the I.C. I tried the anonymous function approach, but pdepe didn't seem to like that...perhaps I wasn't coding it correctly.
Answers (1)
on 30 Jul 2015
Edited: Torsten
on 30 Jul 2015
global counter
uold(1,:) = solold(end,:,1);
uold(2,:) = solold(end,:,2);
function u0 = icfunnew(x,uold)
global counter
Maybe you will have to adjust the variable "counter" from 0 to 1 in the calling program.
Best wishes
on 14 Apr 2021
Edited: Hashim
on 15 Apr 2021
Hi, I think I am trying to do something similar where I have different IC for two different time spans. Would it be possible if I could get some help with my problem? @Torsten
function pdepe_philip_v3a
% 1-b Extend the above calculation to model a potential step to any chosen
% potential assuming that the ratio of the surface concentrations of Os2+
% and Os3+ obeys the Nernst equation both before and after the potential
% step. Now we want to further add a potential step which will make it a
% double potential step.
global D n F R Os_bulk
n = 1; % No. of Electrons Involved
F = 96485.3329; % sA/mol
R = 8.3145; % kgcm^2/s^2.mol.K
D = 5e-06; % cm^2/s
Area = 1; % cm^2
Os_bulk = 1e-05; % mol/cm^3
N = 10;
m = 0; % Cartesian Co-ordinates
% logarithmized xmesh for semi infinite boundary condition
x = logspace(log10(0.000006), log10(0.06), N); x(1) = 0;
% Time Span-1
t1 = linspace(0, 10, N); % s
c0 = Os_bulk;
E = 0.8;
ic_arg = @(x)c0.*ones(size(x));
sol1 = pdepe(m, @pdev3apde, @(x)pdev3aic(x,ic_arg),@(xl, ul, xr, ur, t)...
pdev3abc(xl, ul, xr, ur, t, E, c0), x, t1);
c1 = sol1(:, :, 1);
I_num = ( n*F*Area) * c1(1,:) .* sqrt(D./(t1*pi));
% I Flux For Time Span-1
plot(t1, I_num, 'r--', 'LineWidth',1);
xlabel('t (s)'); ylabel('I (A/cm^2s)');
hold on
% Time Span-2
t2 = linspace(10, 20, N); % s
E = 1.6;
c0 = (c1(1,:))';
ic_arg = @(x)(c0).*ones(size(x));
sol2 = pdepe(m, @pdev3apde, @(x)pdev3aic(x,ic_arg),@(xl, ul, xr, ur, t)...
pdev3abc(xl, ul, xr, ur, t, E, c0), x, t2);
c2 = sol2(:, :, 1);
I_num1 = ( n*F*Area) * c2(1,:) .* sqrt(D./(t2*pi));
% I Flux For Time Span-2
plot(t2, I_num1, 'b--', 'LineWidth',1);
xlabel('t (s)'); ylabel('I (A/cm^2s)');
hold on
%% pdepe Function That Calls Children
function [a, f, s] = pdev3apde(x, t, u, DuDx)
global D
a = 1;
f = -D*DuDx;
s = 0;
%% Initial Condition
function u0 = pdev3aic(x, ic_arg)
u0 = ic_arg(x);
%% Boundry Conditions
function [pl, ql, pr, qr] = pdev3abc(xl, ul, xr, ur, t, E, c0)
global n F R Os_bulk
E0 = 0.2;
alpha = exp((E-E0).*((n*F)/(R*298.15)));
pl = ul - (c0./(1+alpha));
ql = 0;
pr = ur - Os_bulk;
qr = 0;
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