How do I open a website in a browser, enter login data and get the resulting page content automatically?

6 views (last 30 days)
I have seen that there is this 'webwrite' function. But I do not know how to get the correct labels of the login boxes and how to enter strings there. Is there a different function for this?

Answers (1)

Dasharath Gulvady
Dasharath Gulvady on 2 Oct 2015
Edited: Dasharath Gulvady on 2 Oct 2015
If you are web service requires authentication, you can pass the username and password using weboptions with webwrite:
  1 Comment
Gunn711 on 2 Oct 2015
Edited: Gunn711 on 2 Oct 2015
I did this:
url = '';
options = {'Username', 'myUsername', 'Password', 'myPassword', 'Timeout', 10};
z = webwrite(url, options);
What I get in z is just the source code of the login page. Do I have to use the URL of the login page or can I use the URL I want to go to after login? How would I get that content, when I have to use the login URL? Do I have to do something with a cookie? Could it be that the website which I try to login do not support RESTful API? How can I find out?

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