Copy colums from different Excel file and paste them in a single spreadsheet to obtain a matrix

2 views (last 30 days)
Hi! I am new to MATLAB and I am working with a serie of different excel files (I have a lot of them!). For each file I want to copy just one column and then paste it in another spreadsheet so that at the end I have one single spreadsheet with a big matrix made of all the columns I have copied. I have done a part of the code that allows me to read my excel files one after another and subset the column I want but then I don't know how to "paste" them all together in one single excel file, any idea?
Source_directory='H:\dos\Master Project\Test matlab\Results';
Destination_directory='H:\dos\Master Project\Test matlab\Results\One matrix';
source_files = dir(fullfile(Source_directory, '*.xlsx'));
for m=1:length(source_files)
data_total_flow = xlsread(fullfile(Source_directory, source_files(m).name),sheet,'B:B')

Answers (1)

ES on 5 Oct 2015
You can use the complementary xlswrite function to write data into excel file in the sheet you need starting at the cell you need.
Laura on 13 Oct 2015
I tried as you suggest but I could either write each output column in a separate excel file or write only the last output column (xlswrite outside the loop). I don't know how to use xlswrite to write all my output columns in one single spreadsheet in order to create a matrix.
for i=1:length(source_files)
raw_data(:,1)=[];%eliminate first colum
raw_data(1:11,:)=[];%eliminate headers
%xlswrite(fullfile(dest_directory, source_files(i).name),total_flow);
xlswrite('Matrix total flow',total_flow)

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