How can i define algebraic equation in differential function in MATLAB?

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I want to solve 7 equations. I define all of them in one function in MATLAB dy=function(t,y) for example one of the equation is : dy(i,j)=(Ao*epsilonf.*Ucp*y(i,j))-(kg*Ao.*(y(1,1)-y(2,1))) now i should solve a algebraic equation in this function too.this is my algebraic equation: y(i,10)=((Deff/deltar)*(y(i,10)-y(i-1,10)))+kgAo*(y(2,10)-y(3,10)) how can i do this? i put a small coefficient that eliminate dy 10^-10* dy(i,10)= -y(i,10)+((Deff/deltar)*(y(i,10)-y(i-1,10)))+kgAo*(y(2,10)-y(3,10)) but matlab couldnt solve it. could you help me please?

Answers (1)

Torsten on 9 Oct 2015
Edited: Torsten on 9 Oct 2015
MATLAB's ODE solvers can account for systems which are a mixture of algebraic and differential equations.
Look at the example under
It should be easy to adapt it for your purpose.
Best wishes

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