extract matrix value based on lat lon data
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Angela Bowman
on 10 Nov 2015
Commented: Belinda Finlay
on 21 Feb 2020
I have three matrices: 1) [m n] latitude 2) [m n] longitude 3) [m n] simulated values
I need to extract the simulated values by a given bounding box of latitude and longitude and create a new matrix [a b] for several time steps.
I have tried find, ind2sub, sub2ind, intersect, though none of those functions are quite what I need.
Please help!
Accepted Answer
Chad Greene
on 10 Nov 2015
I think you want inpolygon. To get the indices of all data inside the polygon 30 to 40 degrees north and 20 to 10 degrees west, you'd do
ind = inpolygon(lon,lat,[-20 -10],[30 40]);
Then your data measurements in that polygon are: vals(ind)
There's a Mapping Toolbox function called ingeoquad that does the same thing, but inpolygon does it just as well and doesn't require the Mapping Toolbox.
Belinda Finlay
on 21 Feb 2020
Is there something similar for a circle, where I can values from a specific grid point, and all data within radius of 500km?
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