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Error in Region growing MRI volumetric data.

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Muhammad Shoaib
Muhammad Shoaib on 15 Dec 2015
Closed: MATLAB Answer Bot on 20 Aug 2021
Sir i want to segment DICOM stack of 28 slices, for 2D single image segmentation it work fine but for 3D volumetric data it give error, please help me . . .
tolerance = 20;
Igray = double(mri); % mri is series of DICOM images
x = 0;
y = 0;
if(x == 0 || y == 0)
imshow(Igray(:,:,12),[min_level max_level]);
[x,y] = ginput(1); % Selecting the seed point
Phi = double(false(size(Igray,1),size(Igray,2)));
ref = double(true(size(Igray,1),size(Igray,2)));
PhiOld = Phi;
Phi(uint8(x),uint8(y)) = 1;
while(sum(Phi(:))) ~= sum(PhiOld(:))
PhiOld = Phi;
segm_val = Igray(Phi);
meanSeg = mean(segm_val);
posVoisinsPhi = imdilate(Phi,strel('disk',1,0)) - Phi;
voisins = find(posVoisinsPhi);
valeursVoisins = Igray(voisins);
Phi(voisins(valeursVoisins > meanSeg - tolerance & valeursVoisins < meanSeg + tolerance)) = 1;
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 15 Dec 2015
Please post the complete error message, everything in red.
Muhammad Shoaib
Muhammad Shoaib on 15 Dec 2015
Sir these are the errors which i am getting.
Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.
Error in segCroissRegion (line 59) segm_val = Igray(Phi);

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