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Error in Region growing MRI volumetric data.
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Sir i want to segment DICOM stack of 28 slices, for 2D single image segmentation it work fine but for 3D volumetric data it give error, please help me . . .
tolerance = 20;
Igray = double(mri); % mri is series of DICOM images
x = 0;
y = 0;
if(x == 0 || y == 0)
imshow(Igray(:,:,12),[min_level max_level]);
[x,y] = ginput(1); % Selecting the seed point
Phi = double(false(size(Igray,1),size(Igray,2)));
ref = double(true(size(Igray,1),size(Igray,2)));
PhiOld = Phi;
Phi(uint8(x),uint8(y)) = 1;
while(sum(Phi(:))) ~= sum(PhiOld(:))
PhiOld = Phi;
segm_val = Igray(Phi);
meanSeg = mean(segm_val);
posVoisinsPhi = imdilate(Phi,strel('disk',1,0)) - Phi;
voisins = find(posVoisinsPhi);
valeursVoisins = Igray(voisins);
Phi(voisins(valeursVoisins > meanSeg - tolerance & valeursVoisins < meanSeg + tolerance)) = 1;
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