Remove part of name from left and right

2 views (last 30 days)
I have the following table, and I want delete whatever it may be p to first "."(dot) or first "_"(underline), and also remove "_slot" (like _slot1, or _slot2, or etc).
A pr.vb023K
B pr.vb013K
C pr.vb010K
D Tv_pr12k_mm_ty004.vg_slot5
E Tv_pr.vf22k_ff01_hy004_slot1
My final output should be as belo:
A vb023K
B vb013K
C vb010K
E vf22k_ff01_hy004
Many many Thanks in advance.

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 23 Jan 2016
You question is almost exactly identical to someone else's at nearly the same time. See my answer there
Mekala balaji
Mekala balaji on 23 Jan 2016
Sir, I saw that answer, but if it is not sure what to remove, but only sure to remove about up to first "dot" or first "underline", then is there any other way?? Sincerely,
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 23 Jan 2016
new_cell_string = regexprep(old_cell_string, {'^[^._]+[._]', '_slot.*'}, {'', ''});
Note that this is not the same as your earlier requirement. For Tv_pr.vf22k_ff01_hy004_slot1 you wanted to remove both the Tv_ and the pr. not just up to the first dot or _
The previous code was fine for removing both.
Is the question going to be about removing all leading occurrences of (two alphabetic characters followed by a dot or underline) ? If so then
new_cell_string = regexprep(old_cell_string, {'^([A-Za-z][A-Za-z][._])+', '_slot.*'}, {'', ''});

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