How to load files using a for loop or automated process

6 views (last 30 days)
I want to load files every time for a simulation purpose. I want to change 1 at the end of file name "Data_1500_1" using a loop or any logic that it can load all files by it self. Like I am doing here. Next time i want to load file named as "Data_1500_2" with 2 at the end and then 3,4,5,6... and so on.
if true
A = load('Data_1500_1.mat');
B = load('Data_2000_1.mat');
C = load('Data_3000_1.mat');
D = load('Data_4000_1.mat');
E = load('Data_5000_1.mat');
F = load('Data_6000_1.mat');
G = load('Data_7000_1.mat');
H = load('Data_8000_1.mat');
I = load('Data_9000_1.mat');
J = load('Data_10000_1.mat');
Need your guidance.
jgg on 22 Feb 2016
Edited: jgg on 22 Feb 2016
Why is that a desirable feature? Do you need all of the history of the data saved as different .mat files. Wouldn't it be similar to save a variable to the same .mat file each time which told you which run.
Like, suppose you're outputting data to each matrix. Why not, instead of saving it as a new file, just append this struct:
data_struct = struct('data',data, 'run_id', run_id)
save('Data_1500.mat', 'data_struct','-append')
Where run_id is the run you're doing? This would be much simpler and less prone to error. Plus, you wouldn't generate bazillions of little files which is really, really bad for most systems.
Arsal15 on 22 Feb 2016
Well I have data of each run with same variables but different values inside each of them in all files. That's why i need to load a set of files and plot their data.
Thanks alot jgg...U have given a new idea to append structure. Let me try it.

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Jan on 22 Feb 2016

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