How to implement a for loop over a specified range?

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  • t: time vector ranging from Start to End with a sampling rate of fs
  • X: sum of sinusoids over the specified range
The code I am using for my outputs is:
t = linspace(Start,End,fs);
for i=1:N
X = X + A(i)*cos(2*pi*f(i)*t + phi(i)) + B(i);
I keep getting an error: Attempted to access B(2); index out of bounds because numel(B)=1. Need help fixing it.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 27 Feb 2016
We do not know how you initialized B, or what it is intended to mean.
Did you happen to compute B using the "/" operator?
Brian Aguilar
Brian Aguilar on 1 Mar 2016
Edited: Walter Roberson on 1 Mar 2016
I got the same error for A too. Both B and A are N*1 matrix, where N is a integer, and positive. This is how I coded and initialized both A and B.
A = [N,1];
if ~all(isreal(A)) || ~all(A>0)
error('Amplitude must be real and postive elements');
B = [N,1];
if ~all(isreal(B))
error('B must be real and postive elements');

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Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 1 Mar 2016
The code you posted would result in A and B being scalars (length 1) if N is empty. If N was not empty, then A and B would only be of length 2 anyhow.
If you are trying to initialize A to be a vector of length N then you would use something like
A = zeros(N, 1);
... but then it would be all zero, which doesn't sound very meaningful.
Brian Aguilar
Brian Aguilar on 1 Mar 2016
thanks for your help, I understand it a lot better now

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