Matlab and Simulink trial version with embedded coder and MATLAB Coder and Simulink Coder

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Hello, does the current Trial-Version of Matlab/Simulink R2015b include the Code Generation Functionality? I have downloaded the trial-version with appropriated Modules (Matlab, Simulink, Embedded Coder, Matlab Coder, Simulink Coder and same others too) but I can not generate Code for C2000, because no blocks for C2000 are availible. I need your help to get the C2000-Blocks into my Simulink model.

Answers (2)

Venkatachala Sarma
Venkatachala Sarma on 8 Mar 2016
You have to install the hardware support package for TI C2000 processors to build models and deploy them. Please go through the following link.
Hope this helps.
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Friesen Waldemar
Friesen Waldemar on 16 Mar 2016
Edited: Friesen Waldemar on 25 Mar 2016
Thanks for the answer, regrettably it doesn't solve my problem. I used the command supportPackageInstaller in MATLAB to install the packages for C2000, like proposed in the answer. With the "Support Package Installer" I can not install the packages for C2000, because I don´t have installed the "Embedded Coder". I have already downloaded the embedded coder for trial version and try to install it. At installing process the complet program was dowloaded again and installed without the "Embedded Coder".
How I can install the packages what I selected in Mathworks-site? Mayby there is a bug in the installer, what wrong products will download and install - because I have selected the "Embedded Coder" for trial version in my Mathworks-Account.

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ahmed mostafa
ahmed mostafa on 21 Mar 2017
the same problem we need help for ti c2000 we cant install hardware support package for ti c2000 it require embedded coder and matlab coder and simulink coder < arduino and raspberry pi doesn't require . we can't get trial for these products


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