Error using Settings Undefined function or variable '​ternal.get​SettingsRo​ot'. Error in matlabrc (line 190) s = Settings

3 views (last 30 days)
Hello, when I start matlab I have this error:
Error using Settings Undefined function or variable 'matlab.internal.getSettingsRoot'. Error in matlabrc (line 190) s = Settings;
and I don´t know solver it. I have matlab 2015b.
Tejas on 25 Mar 2016
What is the output for the following commands?
>> which -all matlab.internal.getSettingsRoot
>> s = Settings;
If you think that this issue is related to MATLAB Search path, you can use the following to set it to the default:
>>rehash toolboxcache
You can save the current path settings by executing the following command in the MATLAB command window:
Please note that saving the path would remove any previous changes to the MATLAB search path
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 26 Mar 2016
Which MATLAB version are you using?
Is it possible that you were previously using a newer version of MATLAB and went back to an older version?

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