finding dissimilarity between two binary image in a range between 0 and 10
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Hi everybody, I have a problem that requires finding the dissimilarity between 2 binary images I tried to use the euclidean distance but the dissimilarity was large. If anyone can help me to implement such a code with a dissimilarity range between 0 and 10
Answers (3)
Alex Taylor
on 13 Apr 2016
If all you care about is an elementwise similarity metric that is normalized to the range [0 10]
similarity = @(A,B) 10*sum(A(:)==B(:))./numel(A);
similarity([false true true],[true true true])
Note that there are much better similarity metrics out there, but seemed like most of what you cared about was the normalization between [0,10], not how well the similarity metric works.
Image Analyst
on 13 Apr 2016
Alex's formula is simply the percentage of pixels in A that match in B.
Here's another one called the Sorenson-Dice Coefficient:
Muhammad Usman Saleem
on 13 Apr 2016
Edited: Muhammad Usman Saleem
on 13 Apr 2016
Absolute difference of two imagescollapse
Z = imabsdiff(X,Y)
About best selection method for image differences
Compare differences between images
h = imshowpair(A,B)
a lot of useful links
See Also
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