Plotting scientific data in 1e-15

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Hello, I am trying to plot the below data. I need this in the scientific format. This is the code with which I am trying
eop_28nm_stat = [0.53075 0.17211 0.10732 0.09573 0.09853 0.12006 0.14314];
eop_28nm_dyn = [23.86 36.36 52.64 75.27 100.14 126.69 163.14];
eop_28nm_tot = [24.4 36.5 52.7 75.3 100 126.8 163.2];
emin = plot(vdd_28,eop_28nm_stat*1e-15);
hold on;
emin1 = plot(vdd_28,eop_28nm_dyn*1e-15);
emin(1).LineStyle = ':';
emin(1).Marker = 's';
emin(2).LineStyle = '--';
emin(2).Marker = 'x';
% I have tried the below code snippets also but it doesn't work.%
fun = @(x) sprintf('%g \\times 10^{%d}',x/(10.^floor(log10(x))), floor(log10(x)));
tick2text('axis', 'y', 'yformat', fun, 'ytickoffset', .06);
But it keeps going to the 1e-13 directly and hence I cannot see any plot of the eop_28nm_stat because those values are really small. Please let me know how to go around this. Thanks!

Accepted Answer

John D'Errico
John D'Errico on 3 May 2016
Edited: John D'Errico on 3 May 2016
Use a plot with logged axes.
help loglog
help semilogx
help semilogy

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