Operator notation for fitlme function?

2 views (last 30 days)
Can someone explain the difference between the operators *, | and : in specifying the equation used with the fitlme function?
For example, I have the equation:
to model alpha_5 as a function of Load, Zone and Term using the data in tbla5.
However, if I replace the | with a : I get different results (and no random effects).
I'd be grateful for any advice concerning the meaning of the different operators as I can't find any information in the manual.
Many thanks, Rebecca

Accepted Answer

Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 7 Jun 2016
Take a look at the "More About" section in the documentation for fitlme. This includes a section describing the meaning of each of the pieces of notation you can use to define a formula.
  1 Comment
Rebecca Ward
Rebecca Ward on 7 Jun 2016
Many thanks for pointing me in the right direction - I hadn't spotted this section and it is just what I need.

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