How do you create Protected Simulink Block in R2012b?

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How do you create a Protected Simulink Block from within R2012b (32-bit) MATLAB (Simulink 8)?
I have tried to follow the online MATHWORKS documentation on this, but it seems to be only for the more recent version R2016a, including the fact that this procedure seems built-in to the right-click Sub-system/Reference model function in more recent MATLABs.

Answers (2)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 12 Jul 2016

Jonathan Stevenson
Jonathan Stevenson on 12 Jul 2016
Does this also work on a Subsystem? Or does the block have to be a Referenced Model? The block I'm trying to Protect is a sub-system. My attempts to convert it to a Referenced Model generates an error "Cannot convert Virtual Subsystem to Referenced Model"?
  1 Comment
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 12 Jul 2016
I am not very familiar with the topic. The information I found suggests that in R2012a that it had to be an entire model, not a subsystem, unless you were just configuring access controls (but then the user could potentially configure them back again.)

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