How to write variable to symbolic ?

4 views (last 30 days)
A = 10; B = 15; C = 18;
lcm_ABC = lcm(sym([A, B, C]));
lcm_ABC = double(lcm_ABC);
ABC_N = lcm_ABC/A + lcm_ABC/B + lcm_ABC/C;
ABC_N = 20;
lcm_ABC = 90;
%i want to write it(ABC_N/lcm_ABC) as (20/90) or if may possible to write using formula (2/9)

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 26 Jul 2016
Use the rats or rat functions, or format rat to display it as rational fractions in the Command Window.
Triveni on 26 Jul 2016
This was not my question the way lot of thanks. I want to know that if i have a variable ABC_N = 20; and lcm_ABC = 90; can i treat 20 and 90 as symbolic? how to write 20/90 using symbolic toolbox?
Star Strider
Star Strider on 26 Jul 2016
My pleasure.
I did not realise you were using the Symbolic Math Toolbox.
To use the Symbolic Math Toolbox, the best (perhaps the only) way is to use the sym function for each variable:
A = 10; B = 15; C = 18;
A = sym(A);
B = sym(B);
C = sym(C);
lcm_ABC = lcm([A, B, C]);
ABC_N = lcm_ABC/A + lcm_ABC/B + lcm_ABC/C;
All the results are then symbolic as well. This will produce the result you want.

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