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Failure when doing initial firmware update with PSP installed

2 views (last 30 days)
I am having problems to get the PSP for Pixhawk working for R2015b. I perform the installation of the PX4 toolchain 1.4 and the PSP as described in the PSP documentation. When doing the initial PX4 software download it quits with the message
'Aborting -fatal: Needed a single revision - Unable to find current revision in submodule path 'NuttX''.
If I start making the archives anyway it then closes with the similar error message
'fatal: Needed a single revision - Unable to find current revision in submodule path 'NuttX'' and throws an Error when trying to 'configure NuttX for aerocore' as it cannot find NuttX.
Anybody knows how to avoid that issue? Thanks in advance...

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