Ok, so if I construct vectors with 20 degrees separation emanating from the fixed point (as in the picture below), can I then somehow get all the non-NaN elements (i.e where the projectile has been) in the area between two vectors?
How to obtain samples within angular windows?
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Hi, Let us say I have a projectile moving around in a square environment and I want to sample all positions where the projectile has travelled within a 20 degrees angular window, as seen from a fixed point in the environment. Can anyone help me figure out how to do this? In the attached picture, the spiral is a made up path of the projectile and the red dot is the fixed point from which I want to make the angular window.
Answers (1)
Jyotish Robin
on 20 Jan 2017
Since you are asking for a way in which you can get the non- NaN elements, I suppose you are having a matrix which corresponds to the image. Let me know if that is not the case.
Now, I would suggest you to make use of the function "isnan". isnan(A) returns an array with the same size as A containing logical 1 (true) where the elements of A are NaNs and logical 0 (false) where they are not.
So if it's just a 1D vector ( say y), you can simply do something like this:
>>y1 = y(~isnan(y));
You can read about this in detail in the below link:
Hope it helps!!
See Also
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