Plotting from a loop in a live script in Matlab 2016b

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I want to plot and write text fro a loop in a live script. Unfortunately this puts all the text at the top and charts at the bottom. Does anyone know how to fix this?
for j = 1:3
grid on
title(sprintf('This is plot %d',j))
fprintf('This is the text for plot %d\n',j)
I have attached the live script for testing.
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Nirav Sharda
Nirav Sharda on 24 Jan 2017
This is a current limitation of the live editor. I work for MathWorks and have provided this feedback to the development team. Currently there are no known workarounds for this.

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Answers (1)

Adam Wyatt
Adam Wyatt on 25 Oct 2017
Edited: Adam Wyatt on 18 Apr 2019
There is a slight workaround, which works in version 2017b (no need to manually create the axes, replace this and the title line with your own figure code, may or may not be necessary to clear the figure):
for n=1:3
fig = figure;
for n=10:12
fig = figure;
Note: Figures in the live editor work as follows: Matlab automatically creates a hidden figure window (i.e. a figure window with its visibility property set to false). By default, each plot is created in the current hidden figure window - overwriting or adding to existing plots according to the default properties of the command in question (e.g. plot will create a new axes, whereas line will draw a line in the current axes, unless hold is on). After all plotting commands are complete, Matlab will export the figure to a bitmap and then insert this figure into the live editor (which is just an HTML parser).
Understanding this process should help understand how to implement your requirements. For example, you can resize the figure window, thus changing the size of the image imported into the document.
Note that an "excessive" amount of figures (particularly large figures) will dramatically slow down the interface. There are pros and cons of live scripts and unfortunately Mathworks haven't quite got it to the stage that they are the optimum solution in the majority of scenarios.
Adam Wyatt
Adam Wyatt on 3 Mar 2023
Unfortunately changes in the way live scripts work means this solution no longer works (or at least no longer works reliably).
This is ridiculous that such a simple and important capability is missing (or at least not documented). @MathWorks Support Team - please fix this!
Olaf Bousche
Olaf Bousche on 3 Mar 2023
Dear Adam:
This has been fixed a while ago. I thing it was fixed in R2019b and certainly R2022b has no problems with the orginal script. In fact the script below works flawless now.
for j = 1:3
grid on
title(sprintf('This is plot %d',j))
fprintf('This is the text for plot %d\n',j)

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