Simulink For Each Subsystem Block Issues

1 view (last 30 days)
I have a 12x12 matrix that I need to process each row the same way. I would like to use the For Each Subsystem block but cannot figure out how to dimension things properly on the For Each block. I want to process each row, then move onto the next row, etc. and then store the output for each computation in a unique element of a vector.

Accepted Answer

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang on 19 Jan 2017
See screen capture and the attached model.
Mark Ekblad
Mark Ekblad on 19 Jan 2017
Thanks, this does solve my issue but I was trying to use the For Each Subsystem block, but this works!
Mark Ekblad
Mark Ekblad on 19 Jan 2017
How can I debug since at one time step the iterator runs too fast to see intermediate results?

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